Total vehicles checked
Year to Date
Total recalls found
Year to Date
Reach out to learn how our data can drive your business forward.
AutoRecalls is the largest database of automotive recall data. Consisting of safety, campaign, emissions, and warranty data, AutoRecalls allows you to quickly, easily, and accurately access the information you need, in the right format.
From bulk processing to automated scheduling and automatic file drops, we’ve got you covered.
Let AutoRecalls do the hard work for you by normalizing the data across multiple sources and enriching it with recall information.
With advanced filtering and automation, we can help you cut and carve the database to output only the data you need, helping power your business and jumpstart your campaigns.
AutoRecalls’ interface is not only cost effective, but it is also run by our experts who are responsive and provide the most accurate data.
We get you, and we are here to help.
Automatically compare multiple VINs in bulk against the most accurate recall data available to determine if the vehicles have open recalls.
API interface allows you to check a single VIN for a recall in real-time receiving a response within seconds.
Continually check dealership and fleet inventory and receive alerts when new recalls are announced.